Osteria Cyrano Cibo e Vino a Lugano

The Osteria

Welcome to Osteria Cyrano – Food & Wine

In the heart of old Lugano, Osteria Cyrano is your opportunity to experience the richness and flavours of Mediterranean cuisine through Chef René Nagy's masterful interpretation of traditional dishes.

Let Luca Anastasio guide you in your wine choice – and don't miss out the chance of enjoying our excellent wines as an aperitif in the lounge zone. We wait for you every day, with ever new proposals from our kitchens.

The Food

A charming land and one of the crossroads of Europe, Ticino is a place where the stark flavours of the Alps meet unbridled Mediterranean playfulness.

Here at Cyrano every day is a discovery: enjoy a whole new stage in your journey through the flavours of this land, at the quiet pace of seasons and earth.

Not only is food the basis of life: for us, it is also its highest cultural expression - to be interpreted and reinvented twice a day: for lunch and for dinner.

The Wine

In wine, truth - and, in fact, the whole world: flavour and fragrance, friendship and frowns.

Some wines seem to have a destiny: to partner a particular food and close the circle of flavour experience with stunning perfection.

Other wines - superb wines - are there for you to enjoy in our cellar, whilst meditating on the infinite nuances to be found in a simple glass.

We are waiting for you here at Cyrano - Food & Wine.

Our Chef

Our chef has more than thirty years' experience in the very best of the Swiss restaurant industry.

Throughout, he has passionately researched the flavours of Mitteleuropa and developed a unique cooking style, where simplicity meets accuracy and attention to detail.

Chef René Nagy is at the top of his profession: Cyrano is blessed every day with his experience, his creativity, and his oeuvres full of ancient flavours and new traditions.

Our Host

With his long career as a host, Luca Anastasio is your best guide in the world of Cyrano, and will make sure your experience is always above your expectations.

While weaving, masterfully and discreetly, the atmosphere of both restaurant and lounge, Luca will give you his experienced advice on how best to explore flavours and fragrances from our kitchens and cellar.

His linguistic proficiency and well-known professionalism help make Osteria Cyrano a landmark in the city of Lugano.

The Menu

Menu per la settimana


Insalatina mista in foglie con crostini di pane tostato 
( Gemischter Blattsalat mit Brotwürfeln )

Soppressa di coda di manzo con gallinacci e insalatina di pomodori
( Gepresste Ochsenschwanz-Terrine mit Pfifferlingen und Tomatensalat )

Carpaccio di polipo crudo su pomodori e code di gamberoni dorati 
( Carpaccio vom Octopus auf Tomaten mit Riesenkrevetten )

Primi Piatti e paste fresche fatte in casa

Brodo ristretto di manzo con perle di verdura e nudels bianchi 
( Rindskraftbrühe mit Gemüseperlen und Glasnudeln )

Risotto carnaroli allo zafferano con bocconcini di animelle di vitello saltate 
( Carnaroli Risotto mit Safran und sautierten Kalbsmilken )

Ravioli verdi al pesce di mare con seppioline,olive, capperi su letto di provenzale fine al basilico
( Teigtaschen mit Meeresfischen ,kleine Tintenfische Oliven,Auberginengemüse )

Spaghetti alle vongole veraci super con peperoncino
Spaghetti mit Venusmuscheln leicht scharf)

Piatti forti

Sgombro intero alla griglia su letto di finocchi e cipolle rosse aromatizzate al limone e timo
( Gegrillte Makrele ,Fenchel,rote Zwiebeln,Zitrone und Thymian )

Seppia intera con pomodorini datterini, olive e vongole veraci profumati all’olio verde e verdurine miste
( Gebratener ganzer Tintenfisch mit Datteltomaten Venusmuscheln )
Neu Kartoffeln und Gemüse

Lombata di vitello dorata con gallinacci all’erba cipollina con patate gratinate e verdurine miste di stagione
(Gebratenes Kalbsrückenstück mit Pfifferlingen,Schnittlauch)  30.00

Filettini di agnello dorati con funghi cardoncelli e pomodorini datterini con patate saltate e verdurine miste di stagione
( Sautierte Lammfilet mit Kräuterseitling.Datteltomaten )


Piccola scelta di dolci 
Kleine Auswahl von Süssspeisen


Tuesday - Saturday
Sunday & Monday Closed

Corso Enrico Pestalozzi 27, Lugano, Svizzera

For info and Reservations
Tel. +41 0 91 225 44 44
Fax. +41 0 91 260 62 20

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